
LPG is colorless and odorless, but an artificial odor is added to allow detection in case of leakage. It is not poisonous but can cause asphyxiation as it can replace air in confined spaces. LPG is a clean burning fuel that is more environmentally friendly than other types of fuel.

What is LPG ,Installation and use

What is LPG ,Installation and use

The properties of LPG

  • Heavier than air

  • Easily liquefied

  • From Liquid to Gas expands at a rate of 1:270

  • Easily transported as liquid

  • Higher calorific value (11 800 kcal/k)

  • Independent of grid supply

What is LPG ?

The LPG is a hydrocarbon fuel (Propane + Butane), occurs naturally in oil and gas fields or extracted in the oil refining process

The key characteristic of LPG is that at normal temperature and pressure it is a gas, but when subjected to moderate pressure it is liquefied and becomes 270 times more compact. This makes LPG practical for storage and transportation in containers— an advantage over other gases such as natural gas, which is expensive to liquefy and hence requires extensive piping networks for delivery to end users.

Most Jordanians are familiar with Liquid Petroleum Gas delivered in cylinders that are used for cooking and/or heating appliances. In addition to these applications, ProGas Bulk LPG, which is supplied in larger containers, allows LPG to also be used for water heating, central heating and as a transportation fuel

Benefits of LPG

 Clean, Healthy And Environmentally Friendly

LPG Gas is clean to store and burns more efficiently than other fuels with much reduced emissions and effects on the environment.

This is why the U.S. Environmental Impact Agency considers LPG as ‘Green’ Fuel. Burning LPG in cookers, ovens and roasting equipment is the healthy choice for food applications since it does not leave any harmful deposits.

Efficient And Cost Effective

While there is a clear benefit from the efficiency of combustion, appliances that work on LPG tend to be more efficient in utilizing the heat produced by LPG and result in considerable savings in consumption as well as maintenance requirements and down times


LPG can be used to meet the energy demand in many applications around the home, business or industry. So, once you have an LPG tank on site, there is no end to what you can use it for!
Did you know: LPG is not only better for the environment due to much reduced emissions when burned, but also its cleaner storage is vital in preventing contamination to underground water that can result from spillages of other liquid fuels

Latest Features

Expert advice and in-depth features for a healthy life

    ProGas Maintenance

    ProGas makes sure to keep the client's bulk LPG systems operating according to the adopted and implemented international gas codes. ProGas runs a checklist on the bulk

      ProGas Specialized Projects

      At ProGas we have developed knowledge to design and install big LPG plants that require detailed technical know-how and high engineering skills.  ProGas installed and operated big

        Gas Supply

        ProGas will provide you with the system from A to Z, and we will secure and guarantee a continuous LPG supply by: • monitoring the LPG system

          LPG Installation

          At ProGas we use bulk LPG technology utilizes tanks installed outdoors. Gas is delivered to appliances in buildings through a centralized piping network. Tanks come in different sizes

            LPG vs Diesel

            Properties of Diesel Combustion value: 8364 Kcal/Lit to 8856 Kcal/Lit (Depends on cleanliness of Diesel). Specific weight: About 0.82 Kg/Lit. Thus the Combustion value is between